Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Encounters of one that as of now takes 1 year as of now in Germany

Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 11/09/2012 - 16:08.

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I have lived in Germany for 1 year and I might want to reveal to you that it is not gold everything that sparkles, the extent that the work issue is concerned and that not all Germans go in BMW and Mercedes.

On the off chance that you are a man with a higher education or a gifted laborer on the off chance that you can locate a decent, generously compensated employment. That if, much of the time you need to know how to communicate in German or possibly protect yourself extremely well.

On the off chance that you are not from the gathering of talented specialists you won't have anything simple to locate a great job. Obviously, on the off chance that you need to work in "something" that give you a thousand or a thousand and a couple of euros a month clean without knowing how to talk the dialect and have the capacity to gain a living sincerely I believe that there is no issue. Here they are called "Produktion" or "creation works". Production lines, dreary occupations ...

I additionally need to state that on the off chance that you ask the State you pay a "Deutsch Intensive Kurs" or escalated German course that endures a while. I am doing it consistently for 4 hours. It's a penny however you take in a ton. On the off chance that you live here and you don't talk the dialect you will feel uprooted and powerless. The German is very messed up to learn and brimming with traps so outsiders can never learn it well by any means. What's more, the elocution of a few words changes starting with one town then onto the next. The main reassurance I have left is that among themselves they some of the time don't see each other. In the second occupation I had, in Pirelli (foh ... Regardless I recall the possess an aroma similar to consumed elastic ...) there were two Germans, one from the north and one from the south and they wound up talking in English !!!

I touched base here I went to a brief organization and the person goes and says "we can be 2 weeks until the point when you discover work, even a month". What's more, I fipando, completing of landing of Spain and of the crap of INEM. At last it didn't take a week and I was at that point working. In a processing plant, obviously. They are typically move occupations. One week in the morning, one toward the evening and one at night. Despite everything I cleared out work at 6 am and expelling the ice from the auto's windshield .... uff ....

Something else, in Germany is diligent work, the escquequeo does not exist basically (what I have seen). Truth is stranger than fiction, your 8 hours, not a moment, dislike in Spain. That is extremely regarded.

I am not in any way remorseful of having come. We live here extremely well. All extremely decent and perfect, clean. The sustenance by and large is less expensive (I am from Tenerife) and greater quality. The lease additionally at a decent cost yet in winter are just about 400 euros practically power (warming) a month .... I additionally need to state that I take my cap off the Germans :- )

Presently I am self-sufficient. I need to set up a tapas bar in the memorable focus (I know I will pet it!). As an independently employed you pay around 140 euros for each month and on the off chance that you don't achieve the 1700 euros clean of advantages you don't pay any duty. Like in Spain, isn't that so? That is the distinction, this is a nation with mindful specialists who appear to need their kin and who think with their heads and not with their can or in their pocket. The Germans, sincerely and as a rule, don't think they are more quick witted than us. Be that as it may, they are more composed and responsible;There's no uncertainty.

In the event that you need to ask me something, here you can

Indeed, welcome and good fortunes to everybody from Hessen

Vielen Grüssen


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Hi Jorge, I've flown up

Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 11/09/2012 - 20:08.

Hi Jorge, I have seemed exceptionally intriguing what you say, and I needed to remark that you think what I have thought and on the off chance that you see it achievable. For the situation that I need to emigrate to Germany in light of the fact that in Spain I am shutting every one of the entryways and having A home loan and before considering me to be the house evacuates the bank I need to give the section. My concern, obviously this is the German and on the off chance that it was insufficient English nothing, how about we what I realized in college.My calling is a woodworker and I am 32 years of age, obviously I would search for some work like the one that you say of chain creation, so I begin to deal with the subject, which city you see with more posivilidades, and to search for a story from here shared, you are aware of some paguina or some Way to contact with them.and once there without dialect what might be the progression to take after to discover a vocation of that you comment.a welcome, and better that for the present don't return ...

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Re: Hello Jorge, I've showed up

Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, 13/09/2012 - 13:03.

Hello there.

There would one say one is thing you don't say, do you have family? lady and youngsters I mean? On the off chance that you have raised to accompany the family is somewhat more confounded, however in the event that you think you come alone, which is the thing that I expect from the mutual pìso, it is less demanding. I prescribe enormous spots (Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg ...) A mutual level with 32 tacos? Ufff ... I don't suggest it .... between the dialect, the general population and that each starting costs you can go insane ..... The lease is not costly, something little for under 400 € beyond any doubt to discover in the event that you move and you are searching for, how costly is the warming in winter. On the off chance that you are a carpentry proficient, I don't think you'll be long in finding work. If not, in a plant you needn't bother with the dialect more often than not. You go to an impermanent work organization, fill the average frame and they search for you. I realize that ett sucks and take away your compensation however at first without the dialect is all the better you can do (it is my supposition) to begin fill in as quickly as time permits and to cover your costs.

To the person who thinks to come I prescribe to begin with the German as of now. It is considerably more hard to incorporate socially as a result of the dialect obstruction than to land a position. When you have the occupation and see that you can not converse with anybody in your leisure time you will see that dark colored ...

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Re: Hello Jorge, I've showed up

Posted by Anonymous on Monday, 07/29/2013 - 20:53.

Hi! I have been in Germany for a year and I think you are appropriate in what you say (it is not getting off the plane and having an agreement of 2000 euros however you can live well). Importantisimo German and obligatory therapeutic protection (once you have devoured the 3 months of the European medical coverage card). At long last remark that there are places where it is more hard to locate a level than an occupation (for instance, here in Hamburg). I think you need to run with clear thoughts, few laments and want to learn dialects. Positive thinking is never finished, particularly in winter. A welcome!!!

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Re: Hello Jorge, I've showed up

Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, 10/01/2015 - 14:04.

Greetings folks! toward the finish of this current year I chose to change my nation to learn English.

I am not extremely spurred by England and I had intended to go to Ireland or Germany, and work in friendliness .....

Is Germany a decent nation to learn English?

Much appreciated ahead of time!!

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Re: Hello Jorge, I've showed up

Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 05/06/2015 - 22:12.

>> Is Germany a decent nation to learn English?


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Re: Hello Jorge, I've showed up

Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, 06/30/2016 - 13:09.

By no means

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Re: Hello Jorge, I've showed up

Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, 08/09/2013 - 23:09.

Hi to all foreros of this page.

I am 37 years of age, I am the little girl of a family that emigrated to Frankfurt in the 70's, in truth I ran with my folks and my sister there with just a single year. Obviously, around then it was simple (it was additionally normal, given the nonappearance of web and phones and different enhancements) it was anything but difficult to run there with an occupation officially found. I assume it was the associates and relatives who were at that point there who made it workable for whatever remains of the individuals who needed to emirgrar.

To this, my inquiry is: If today you can discover a vocation from here without moving there.

Do you are aware of a case? Of somebody?

It's quite recently that I'm exceptionally inquisitive. I have as of late had a young lady and as I experienced childhood in Germany until the point when I was 9 years of age, I might want my little girl to develop in a nation more created than our own and with more preferences since I think the theme that qeu in Spain is lived extremely well Is never again so topical. How about we not trick ourselves companions .- - NEITHER HERE IN SPAIN LIVES SO HAPPY, OR THERE IN GERMANY LIVES SO EVIL.

Obviously our nation is going from terrible to more terrible, and the personal satisfaction that we had ten or fifteen years prior we won't have it again following twenty years. What's more, look that I have my occupation yet say thanks to God, yet despite the fact that I'm settled can toss me whenever, and then again is the issue of maternity, here in Spain does not achieve 4 months, yet it is four months , While in that nation they are a year, an entire year. That, in addition to other things and favorable circumstances. That yes, unmistakably there are many assessments paid by the Germans and a costly life, yet they are repaid in copy, the State gives numerous social advantages and much encourage the issue of youngsters, schools, nurseries et cetera.

I disclose to you that I came here to Spain in 1984, my folks longed for coming back to Spain, and from that point forward I have been enduring, I have not in any case adjusted to the method for being of the Spaniards, maybe I overstate a bit, however it is so . Possibly I became involved with the Germans' method for being so surrounded, however hello, there you are, they are a unified, persevering country that exactly when they cleared out a World War II with a silly nation, they soon got everything up And modify it and give them thousands, a large number of occupations to a few European nations: Spain, Italy, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Turkey ..... My class in school was a pupurri of nationalities, and we were altogether incorporated, all !! ! All things considered, aside from the Turks who resembled here now the Moors.

I demand, regardless I have my occupation and

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